Forgiveness feels hard because it is hard. You can do hard things.
You just clicked on this page because you're craving a restored relationship. Unfortunately, you desiring to forgive means that someone hurt you. Can I start by saying, that was never supposed to happen, friend. The betrayal, the ache, the shock. I've been where you are and wish I could look you in the eye, listen to your story and offer a hug. Here's some encouragement: God didn't cause your pain. He's the only one that doesn't abandon you when your hurt feels consuming.
The thing about resentment is that it often lurks in the shadows of our minds. It's not something we're intentionally feeding. You desire to rebuild a relationship after harm has occurred, but where to start? If you've ever asked yourself, "how come I can't let this go? or when will this not haunt me anymore?" You're in the right place!

Do I even need to forgive?

  • I just stuff what I'm feeling down or don't think about it.
  • Sometimes my resentment comes out sideways or passive-aggressively.
  • When I'm around them, it's hard to try different.

  • I feel like I've forgiven until I'm triggered again by a conversation.
  • I didn't even know I needed to forgive until I saw them again.
  • I want to forgive, but I don't know what steps to take.

If your response was, "that's me!" to anything above; you're not alone. I've answered "yes" to every single statement. Hidden resentment makes us think we're "over" something while creating this unseen wedge in a relationship that disintegrates intimacy.

Or maybe the question is, why forgive?

  • They don't deserve forgiveness. 
  • How could I forgive what they did? 
  • They're not sorry or don't think they did anything at all. 
  • What's worse, they blamed me.

I hear ALL of that. What held me back from extending forgiveness were numerous thoughts that made me feel like I had more control when I withheld. Harboring unforgiveness left my relationship in shambles, me resentful and the hurt I originally experienced from this person I loved – unhealed.

I just have one question: Do their actions have a lasting impact on you? 

If the answer is "yes"...

How would you feel if...
You could talk about the hurt that occurred as something that strengthened  your relationship instead of broke it?

Triggers didn't pop up as frequently because you're now experiencing healing as you rebuild trust.

Your faith was renewed as you uncover transformation in the forgiveness journey.

There was clarity on where you want to be AND you had practical intro steps to get there?

After years of hurt and a desperate prayer, the Lord gave me a new vision for what could be in my co-parenting relationship. A new vision changes EVERYTHING because it reveals hope in a seemingly hopeless place. Even after this, I wasted YEARS. Years not knowing where to start, or how to do forgiveness. No one told me that forgiveness isn't a destination – it's a process.

With my self-paced beginner's guide, I take the guesswork out of where to start. Save time wondering what the first step is. I'm giving you what I wish I would have had!
Get instant access to a 15-page, interactive beginner's guide!

Get clarity on where you are now in your journey

Debunk forgiveness myths that have held you back

Discover your unique barriers to forgiveness

Uncover where you want to be & how to take first steps to get there!

Trace thoughts that are feeding your bitterness and learn how to replace these thoughts with new patterns!

Not ready to lay down the bitterness and set a new vision for your relationship? Answer 10 questions below to begin identifying misperceptions around forgiveness that are holding you back.

Don't let misperceptions keep you stuck. Take the quiz now to see how many myths you've been believing. These will be the areas that will point to where healing starts.

If you're ready to explore the hurt that has left you resentful in a
relationship, this 15-page, interactive guidebook is for you!

Forgiveness Guide: Maintaining the Relationship$14

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